ADN8834ACPZ-R7 ADI 亚德诺 LFCSP24 进口原装 电源管理IC PMIC 专用型
The ADN88341 is a monolithic TEC controller with an integrated
TEC controller. It has a linear power stage, a pulse-width
modulation (PWM) power stage, and two zero-drift, rail-to-rail
operational amplifiers. The linear controller works with the PWM
driver to control the internal power MOSFETs in an H-bridge
configuration. By measuring the thermal sensor feedback
voltage and using the integrated operational amplifiers as a
proportional integral differential (PID) compensator to condition
the signal, the ADN8834 drives current through a TEC to settle
the temperature of a laser diode or a passive component attached
to the TEC module to the programmed target temperature.
The ADN8834 supports negative temperature coefficient (NTC)
thermistors as well as positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
resistive temperature detectors (RTD). The target temperature is
set as an analog voltage input either from a digital-to-analog
converter (DAC) or from an external resistor divider.